Do you sit for more than 6 hours in the office? Just this one ‘cup’ can save your life, this new research will surprise you

Do you sit for more than 6 hours in the office? Just this one ‘cup’ can save your life, this new research will surprise you

New Delhi. Is coffee beneficial for health or not? The answer to this question is different for many people. But according to a new research, a cup of coffee can add many years to your life. If you work for hours sitting in front of a laptop, then a cup of coffee can prove to be nectar for you. This is the claim of a recent research. People who do not consume coffee and sit for six hours or more a day have a 60 percent higher risk of death than those who drink coffee and sit for less than 6 hours. This claim has been made in a research published in a journal called ‘Biomed Central (BMC) Public Health’.

This research conducted in America lasted for 13 years on more than 10,000 adults. Researchers said that this tells us that the risk of death increases in people with a sedentary lifestyle who do not drink coffee. On the other hand, this risk reduces to a great extent in those who drink coffee. Researchers at the ‘School of Public Health’ of the Medical College of Soochow University in China also found that people who are working sitting for at least 6 hours a day, but are drinking coffee, the risk of death was found to be 24 percent less in such people.

The researchers wrote in their study report, ‘If you drink coffee, it can be beneficial for you compared to a sedentary lifestyle. He said the results were consistent with previous studies, which have found a link between drinking more coffee and a lower risk of dying from any cause and heart disease.

Many compounds in coffee, including caffeine and polyphenols, are naturally anti-inflammatory. This means that if you drink coffee, it reduces inflammation in your body. However, researchers said that there is no clear information about how coffee reduces the risk of death and what changes it causes in the body. Researchers also found that those who sit for more than eight hours a day have a 40 percent higher risk of death from any cause. While the risk of dying from a heart attack increases by about 80 percent in such people.

Tags: Black Coffee, eat healthy, Food

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